Metabolic Freedom | Ben Azadi

We’re excited to announce the upcoming release of Ben Azadi’s new book, Metabolic Freedom!

Metabolic Freedom is divided into two transformative sections:

 Part 1: Unveils the top causes of metabolic dysfunction.
 Part 2: Shares the most effective strategies for restoring your metabolism.

The book concludes with a powerful 30-Day Metabolic Freedom Reset designed to balance hormones, burn fat, and revitalize your health. Plus, you’ll find a collection of fat-burning recipes to make the process even easier!

Metabolic Freedom will be available in paperback, Kindle, and Audible (yes, I’m narrating the audiobook!).

Order your copy and a free Metabolic Freedom Mini-Course featuring 10+ lessons on metabolism, keto, fasting, and more.

Published with Hay House, Metabolic Freedom is set to release on May 13, 2025.

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